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Mill View Hospital
A grant of £8,117 to Mill View Hospital in order for them to purchase a variety of items such as MP3’s, DVD players, tablets, digital radios, mindful colouring books, wordsearch books and more for their inpatients. These items have helped to ensure that the effects of lockdown and social distancing, such as loneliness and boredom, have been minimised as much as possible and the focus has been on patient wellbeing.
Brunswick Ward “The tablets have been invaluable; enabling staff to facilitate video calls between patients and their loved ones, at a time where visits have not been possible”.
Caburn Ward “there has been a lot of gratitude expressed, and everyone appears very thankful that they have been thought of and made to feel special. The puzzles and colouring books have been especially appreciated “. One patient said “it’s like Christmas, thank you”. Another patient who had been given a personal DVD player said “I have never felt so special – I feel like a princess”.